Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Simulated and Observed Die-Away Data
- 1. University of Maryland, College Park
- 2. Arizona State University
- 3. Institute for Space Research of Russian Academy of Science
These datasets provide the data associated with the article, "Analysis of active neutron measurements from the Mars Science Laboratory Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument: Intrinsic variability, outliers, and implications for future investigations" by H. R. Kerner et al. (full citation below). The Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) is a nuclear spectroscopy investigation onboard the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) rover.
If you use this dataset, please use the following citation: Kerner, H. R., Hardgrove, C. J., Czarnecki, S., Gabriel, T. S. J., Mitrofanov, I. G., Litvak, M. L., Sanin, A. B., and Lisov, D. I. Analysis of active neutron measurements from the Mars Science Laboratory Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument: Intrinsic variability, outliers, and implications for future investigations. Under review.