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Published December 19, 2019 | Version v1
Preprint Open

Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem

  • 1. University of Göttingen
  • 2. Ghent University
  • 3. DANS
  • 4. SURFsara


This report highlights common challenges and priorities, and proposes a set of initial recommendations on how existing data infrastructures can evolve and collaborate to provide services that support the implementation of the FAIR data principles, in particular in the context of building the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The report is an output of three workshops designed to explore, discuss and formulate such recommendations and is aimed at stakeholders in the scholarly world and particularly the EOSC Governance.


This version is provided as a preprint and is not peer reviewed.



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OpenAIRE-Advance – OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship 777541
European Commission
FREYA – Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources 777523
European Commission
EOSC-hub – Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud 777536
European Commission
RDA Europe 4.0 – The European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance 777388
European Commission
FAIRsFAIR – Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe 831558
European Commission