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Published December 12, 2019 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Supplementary material for the manuscript: Genetic structure of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Denmark

  • 1. University of Southern Denmark
  • 2. Aalborg University


This database contains supplementary material for our manuscript "Genetic structure of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Denmark":

S1 Fig/Figure 1a. Box plot of the individual heterozygosity (iHO) estimated for the six populations

S2 Fig/Figure 1b. Plot of the iHO values ranked from the lowest to the highest values within each population

S3 Fig/Figure 2. Likelihood plot of STRUCTURE results

S4 Fig/Figure 3. Likelihood plot of STRUCTURE results (for separate populations)

S5 Fig/Figure 4. Principal Component Analysis

S1 Table/Table 2. Overview of individuals for genetic sampling

S2 Table/Table 3. Dataset from GENEPOP

S3 Table/ Table 4. Data for fragmentation analyses

S4 Table/Table 1. Tukey’s test matrix for testing pairwise significant differences of the mean iHO between the six populations


Fig 3. Likelihood plot of STRUCTURE results.pdf