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Published August 22, 2019 | Version v02
Software Open

COMPOSITION Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology

  • 1. CERTH


COMPOSITION EU Project's Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology version 2 aims to describe both manufacturing domain and collaboration scemes between business entities especially for waste management and software solutions domains. 

The deployed files contains the classes and properties of Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology and some example individual of the core concepts that were used in the COMPOSITION project

For manufacturing domain concepts from MSDL ( and MASON ( ontologies are used. For supply chain domain are used concepts from GoodRelations Language ( All the imported concepts are open available by their authors. All rights of imported concepts reserved to their respective owners who are cited in the references field.  


Usage instructions for Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology a.Using OWLDoc A user can explore Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology in a web browser by using the offered OWLDoc: 1. Download the file and unzip it to a location of your choice. 2. Navigate to OntologyV02 -> Documentation 3. Select the file named index 4. Then open this file with a double click. A web browser window will launch where the user will be able to explore ontology's details b.Using Protégé tool In this section, we present instructions in order to open and properly use the current version of the Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology through the Protégé tool: 1. Download the tar file and unzip it to a location of your choice. 2. Download, install and launch Protégé tool (preferred versions 4.2, 4.3 and 5.2) 3. Select File at the top line menu and then select Open at the sub-menu has just been appeared 4. At the new window, navigate to the extracted file from Step 1, OntologyV02-> Ontology - Files and choose COMPOSITIONv02.owl. Then press Open button 5. Protégé will load the ontology that is contained in the owl file. Protégé will also import the three imported ontologies. Check that the other three OWL files are also located in the extracted file from Step 1. After this step, the user is ready to visualize the whole Ontology


Files (722.8 kB)

Additional details


COMPOSITION – Ecosystem for Collaborative Manufacturing Processes – Intra- and Interfactory Integration and Automation 723145
European Commission


  • Lemaignan and et al., 2006 Lemaignan, S., Siadat, A., Dantan, J.Y., and Semenenko, A. (2006). Mason: A proposal for an ontology of manufacturing domain. In IEEE Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems: Collective Intelligence and Its Applications (DIS'06), 195–200
  • Ameri and Patil, 2012 Ameri F., Patil L. Digital manufacturing market: a semantic web-based framework for agile supply chain deployment Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 (5) (2012), pp. 1817-1832
  • GoodRelations: An Ontology for Describing Products and Services Offers on the Web, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW2008), Acitrezza, Italy, September 29 - October 3, 2008, Springer LNCS, Vol 5268, pp. 332-347