There is a newer version of the record available.

Published August 2, 2018 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Sensor data set, electromechanical cylinder at ZeMA testbed (2kHz)



General information on the data set

The data set was generated at the ZeMA testbed. A working cycle lasts 2.8s and consists of a forward stroke, a waiting time and a return stroke. The data set does not consist of the entire working cycles. Only one second of the return stroke of each working cycle is used.


Structure of the data

  • data saved in HDF5 file as a 3D-matrix
  • one row represents one second of the return stroke of one working cycle (6292 rows: 6292 cycles)
  • one column represents one datapoint of the cycle, that is resampled to 2 kHz (2000 columns)
  • one page represent one sensor (11 pages: 11 sensors)


Allocation of the pages to the sensors

page 1: microphone
page 2: acceleration plain bearing
page 3: acceleration piston rod
page 4: acceleration ball bearing
page 5: axial force
page 6: pressure
page 7: velocity
page 8: active current
page 9: motor current phase 1
page 10: motor current phase 2
page 11: motor current phase 3



The datasets are not in SI units. For conversion, you can use the PDF documentation.


Further information

For an introduction and tutorial to this data, a set of Jupyter notebooks is available here. These notebooks contain Python code and a documentation of example machine learning tasks and analysis of this data set. In the near future, these will be extended to also include uncertainties in the input data.



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