Published February 21, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

5G Multi-Connectivity with Non-Ideal Backhaul: Distributed vs Cloud-Based Architecture

  • 1. Nokia Bell Labs, Munich, Germany
  • 2. Magister Solutions Ltd., Jyvaskyla, Finland


We investigate the throughput performance of multi-connectivity over Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). Specifically, we examine the effect of non-ideal backhaul on the throughput for two architecture scenarios, namely: i) The distributed HetNet scenario where the multi-connectivity anchor is co-located with the macro cell; ii) the cloud-based HetNet scenario, where the multi-connectivity anchor point is located at a centralized network point. An extensive set of simulations is conducted, followed by an investigation of the effect of the backhaul latency, packet file size and offered load on the throughput. It is shown that the cloud-based HetNet architecture leads to a superior throughput performance than that of the distributed architecture. Moreover, it is shown that the backhaul delay considerably affects the overall throughput for both architecture options.


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European Commission
5G-MoNArch – 5G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond 761445