Published June 24, 2019 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Restricted

Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia

  • 1. University of Western Australia


This dataset contains the output from a 38-year wave hindcast for the Albany region of Western Australia. The methods and analysis are contained within the publication "Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia" by Cuttler et al.

Please see publication for full details: Cuttler, MVW, Hansen, JE, and Lowe RJ (2019) Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia. Renewable Energy, 146, 2337-2350.Cuttler, MVW, Hansen, JE, and Lowe RJ (2019) Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia. Renewable Energy, 146, 2337-2350.

Files contained within this dataset include:

  • Hourly spectral output files from the 50m-resolution domains at the proposed development site (30 m depth) in Torbay, Western Australia 
  • Hourly spectral output files from the 165-m resolution domain at the WA Dept.of Transport wave buoy (60 m depth) and proposed development site in Torbay, Western Australia
  • Example Matlab scripts for reading 2D spectral data from the 50m- and 165m-resolution grids

For other data requests, comments, or questions please contact Michael Cuttler at



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