Tesseroids v1.0: Forward modeling of gravitational fields in spherical coordinates
A collection of command-line programs for modeling the gravitational potential, acceleration, and gradient tensor. Tesseroids supports models and computation grids in Cartesian and spherical coordinates.
Official website and documentation: http://tesseroids.leouieda.com/
This is the first release after the code was ported from Python to C. It was developed thanks to Prof. Carla Braitenberg (http://www2.units.it/geodin/biobraitenberg.html) who sponsored me to work on it for a month (Feb 2011) in the University of Trieste.
Documentation for this release is no longer available online. The source code archives contain the files necessary to build the documentation using Doxygen (http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/).
Changes in version 1.0:
NOTE: This release is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.
Tesseroids 1.0 was completely re-coded in the C programming language and is much faster and more stable than the 0.3 release. Here is a list of new features:
* tesspot and tessg* programs now take the computation points as input, allowing for custom grids.
* tesspot and tessg* programs now automatically subdivide a tesseroid if needed to maintain GLQ precision
(this makes computations up to 5x faster and safer).
* Automated model generation using program tessmodgen.
* Regular grid generation with program tessgrd.
* Total mass calculation with program tessmass.
* Programs to calculate the gravitational fields of right rectangular prisms in Cartesian coordinates.
* HTML User Manual and API Reference generated with Doxygen.
* Easy source code compilation with SCons.