Published January 8, 2025 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Dataset of the survey from the study "Evaluation of Factors Influencing Sedentary Behavior in Office Workers Who Work for Extended Periods in a Sitting Position". Study population - Latvian office workers.


This dataset represents original raw data from the anonymous survey of Latvian office workers (n=552) "Evaluation of Factors Influencing Sedentary Behavior in Office Workers Who Work for Extended Periods in a Sitting Position". The survey focused on sedentary behaviour, subjective evaluation of mobility during the work, as well as motivational and hindering factors for movements. The survey was conducted from April 2022 to June 2023 by Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) agency Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health and the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The original questionnaire was in Latvian and distributed electronically. The selection criteria were: whether a computer was used at work and whether the work was mostly sedentary. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Riga Stradiņš  University  (Date 21.04.2022/No 2-PĒK-4/247/2022). The data are available upon reasonable request, please communicate with the authors ( or



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