Published November 20, 2024 | Version v3
Model Restricted

Models for cost-benefit analyses for agroforestry case studies in Flanders, Belgium

  • 1. ROR icon Instituut voor Landbouw en Visserijonderzoek


For the project Agroforestry 2025, seven cost-benefit analyses on specific agroforestry cases are carried out. The factsheets with the results of cost-benefit analyses of various agroforestry cases are intended to inspire farmers, agricultural advisers and other actors. The cost-benefit analyses were carried out in Excel. All cases are fictitious, i.e. the cost-benefit analyses are not about real, existing farms. Fictitious realistic cases were compiled in cooperation with several researchers, farmers (such as fruit and nut growers) processors and other actors. The seven case studies we developed were: hazelnuts combined with laying hens, walnuts combined with dairy cattle, food forests, walnuts combined with pigs, combining fruit farming with dairy cattle, combing fruit farming with laying hens and arable farming combined with poplar cultivation. Each case study contains different scenarios e.g. different walnuts products (fresh walnuts, dried and cracked walnut, walnut oil). The data for these calculations comes from several sources. In each case, the factsheets and excel documents indicate which sources were consulted.

  • Link to the hosting website:
  • Link to the page with the factsheets:



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