Dataset for Femtosecond-Laser-Surface-Nanostructured Glass in BIPV Applications
This is the collection of datasets for a manuscript in progress titled “Femtosecond-laser-surface-nanostructured glass for building integrated solar concentrator”. Data in embargo due to peer review process.
The experimental and calculation methods for generating the datasets are described in the original paper.
File Description:
Unzip "Laser glass.7z" using free and open source software 7-zip. The file contains following content:
- This folder comprises raw Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images captured from the surface normal perspective. Each image is in .tif format with a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. The file name begins with the laser scan speed, ranging from 200 to 2000 (in mm/s). The laser scan speed is followed by the zooming rate. Some file names include "_2" at the end, signifying images taken from a different area or captured with adjusted brightness/contrast settings. Partial sections of images taken at a 5000x zoom level were used in Figure 1 in original paper.
- This folder comprises raw cross-sectional Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images taken after cutting the sample through laser textured area. Each image is in .tif format with a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. The file name begins with the laser scan speed, ranging from 200 to 1800 (in mm/s).
- This folder contains raw X-ray Diffraction (XRD) data utilized for creating Figure 2a. Additionally, the folder includes automatically generated metadata files that detail the measurement conditions. Within this folder, Ref.csv provides the XRD spectrum of the unprocessed substrate, while Main.csv contains the spectrum of a sample processed with a laser at a speed of 200 mm/s.
- This folder contains photoluminescence (PL) spectra data. The file PL_1.csv was used to generate Figure 2c, while PL_2.csv was used for Figure 2d. The data in both files are organized in an X-Y-Y... format, with each dataset labeled according to the corresponding figure legend. Note that signals below 450 nm were filtered.
- contains raw Raman spectroscopy data used to generate Figure 2b. The dataset includes three columns: the first represents the wavenumber values, which serve as the X-axis for the plot. The second and third columns correspond to the Y-axis data, labeled as "Ref" and "Main." "Ref" represents the Raman spectrum of the unprocessed substrate, while "Main" corresponds to the spectrum of a sample processed with a laser at a speed of 200 mm/s. Note the signal before ~80 cm-1 is filtered and the sharp peak at 416.433 cm-1 is due to noise and excluded from the plot.
- The folder contains Spectrophotometry data used to generate Figure 3. The file Spectra_1.csv includes datasets for reflectance (%R), transmittance (%T), and absorptance (%A), each labeled according to the legends of Figures 3a, 3b, and 3c, respectively. Spectra_2.csv provides data on total reflectance (R_tot_*), diffuse reflectance (R_dif_*), and their ratio (R_*%), corresponding to Figure 3d. The datasets in Spectra_2.csv are organized by processing speed *(mm/s) of the samples.
- The folder contains current-voltage (I-V) measurement data. The file IV_1.csv was used to plot Figure 4c and to calculate the relative photocurrent presented in Figure 4d. The file IV_2.csv was used to plot Supplementary Figure S2 and to calculate the optical power efficiency.
- The folder contains contact angle measurement data. Stat.csv includes advancing and receding angles shown in Figure 5c. 400_Adv.mp4 and 400_Rec.mp4 contain the advancing and receding angle of the 400 mm/s sample, respectively.
When using the dataset/figures, please cite the original paper.
Additional details
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