Published August 16, 2024 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

CRAFT-OA Deliverable 1.2: Data Management Plan

  • 1. IBL PAN
  • 1. UGOE
  • 2. TIB


Deliverable 1.2 “Data Management Plan” (DMP) focuses on describing the data generated and reused during project activities of the CRAFT-OA project, according to good scientific practice and efforts in support of Open Science and transparency inherent in any research project. Because of the variety, complexity and variability of the data that can be associated with the project, this document will be crucial for maintaining the correct handling of resources throughout the lifespan of the project.
The Deliverable (D) is divided into three sections, which together provide a complete overview of data management in the CRAFT-OA project:

  • The first section contains information on what methods and tools have been chosen to prepare descriptions of the datasets provided in each work package (WP).
  • The second section provides a general overview of the project data, which is the basis of understanding the specifics of the project and an introduction to the detailed part.
  • The third section is the main element of the DMP. This is the content exported from the used online tool and contains detailed information for each dataset in a format based on the guidelines of the European Commission (EC).

By its nature, the DMP should be treated as a living document that is subject to constant review, complement and change. This document is one of the versions produced during the project and at an early stage of the project may be characterised by a certain level of incompleteness or generality that will be improved as the project proceeds. All versions of DMP will be made publicly available in the Argos platform and Zenodo repository.


CRAFT-OA_D1.2_IBL PAN_Data Management Plan_approved by EC.pdf

Files (644.2 kB)

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CRAFT-OA – Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access 101094397
European Commission