Published August 16, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Porous germanium for germanium surface passivation


The files collect raw data for figures related to publication on porous germanium as a passivating material for germanium surfaces. 3 top raws in each file describe parameter name, units (if applicable) and comments (if applicable), respectively, for each column.

Data_Figure2a.csv has data on effective lifetime as a function of injection level for samples processed in various components and mixtures of MACE solution (information on corresponding solution for each dataset is provided in the comment section).

Data_Figure2b.csv provides stability test results for selected solutions based on the effective lifetimes measured straight after chemical processing (fresh) and the next day after that. The lifetimes were extracted at injection level of 1E14 cm-3.

Data_Figure3.csv has data on surface recombination velocities (S_eff) as a function of injection lifetime for the samples denoted in the comment section of the file. 

Data_Figure3_inset.csv provides results of stability test for the sample processed in HF:H2O2 aq. The data represents days after processing with corresponding S_eff values.

Data_Figure4b.csv has normalized XPS data (binding energies with corresponding intensities) of Ge 3d region for the samples indicated in the comment section of the file. 



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