The extremely tense Romanian-Soviet relations after April 1964 would deteriorate even more during Mikhail S. Gorbachev ‘s mandate. The leaders of Kremlin criticised Nicolae Ceaușescu and, at the same time, could not forgive him for his ambition and his demonstrative flirting with the West. Speaking about Nicolae Ceaușescu ,
Mikhail S. Gorbachev stated that after August 21, 1968, he began to distance himself from the Soviet Union and to emphasize his demand for Romania’s independence and sovereignty to be respected in every way possible, so that this basic demand in itself, repeated on every occasion and even without reason, turned into a kind of incantation that brought with it doubled dividends. Nicolae Ceaușescu and socialist Romania proved to be the stumbling block in the process of reforming and restructuring the strategic glacis of the USSR, reforming socialism and trying to bestow a new perspective on an ideology that proved to be failing.
Deutsche internationale Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Wissenschaft №85 2024-23-29.pdf
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- 1.Petre Opriș, Divergențe româno-sovietice privind frontiera de stat dintre cele două țări (Romanian-Soviet Differences Regarding the State Border Between the Two Countries), in Jurnalul național, November 11, 2009, (accessed on 06.09.2013, at 14.18). 2.Larry L. Watts, Cei dintâi vor fi cei din urmă. Romania și sfârșitul Războiului Rece (The Last Will be First. Romania And the End of the Cold War), Bucharest, 2013. 3.Petre Opriș, Nicolae Ceaușescu : un "tigru de hârtie" în toamna anului 1989? (A Paper Tiger in the Autumn of 1989?), in Iluzii, teamă, trădare și terorism internațional=1940 Omagiu Profesorului Ioan Scurtu (Illusions, Fear, Betrayal and International Terrorism=1940). Homage to Prof. Ioan Scurty) , coord. Gh. Buzatu, Marusia Cîrstea, Horia Dumitrescu, Cristina Păiușan-Nuică, vol. II, Iași, 2010. 4.Vasile Buga, Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile româno-sovietice (On a Knife's Edge. Romanian-Soviet Relations). 1965 – 1989, Bucharest, 2014. 5.Alesandru Duțu, Revoluția din Decembrie 1989. Cronologie (The Revolution of December 1989. Timeline), Craiova, 2010. 6.Şerban Săndulescu, Decembrie '89. Lovitura de stat a confiscat Revoluţia Română (December '89. The Coup Seized the Romanian Revolution), Bucharest, 1996. 7.Vasile Buga, Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile româno-sovietice (1965 – 1989)/(On A Knife's Edge. Romanian - Soviet Relations (1965 - 1989), 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, Bucharest, 2022. 8.Ion Iliescu, Revoluţie şi reformă (Revolution and Reform), Bucharest, 1994. 9.See: Alexandru Beleavski, Intervenţia militară sovietică în România ,,nu a fost acceptată" (The Soviet Military Intervention in Romania "was not accepted"), April 4, 2013, at (accessed on 02.11.2014, at 15.35)