Published February 13, 2015 | Version Final
Report Open

3D-ICONS: D6.2-Report on harvesting and supply


The goal of the 3D-ICONS project is to create and supply 3D models and related content regarding architectural and archaeological masterpieces of European and world cultural significance to Europeana. This required the development of a metadata schema suitable for recording all the information associated with 3D models. The existing CARARE schema (which is specifically designed for archaeological content) was updated and mapped to EDM to enable the content providers to create metadata that could be ingested by Europeana, thus providing public access to their models and associated videos and images. The same ingestion infrastructure was used as developed in the CARARE project, updated to accommodate the changes in the schema. However, most of the 3D-ICONS partners were not experienced with creating metadata so a new tool, the Metadata Editor was created to assist the content providers to create metadata from new quickly and easily without technical knowledge of XML or the CARARE2 schema. Four of the partners who held existing metadata used MINT2 to map and ingest their data into MORE2.

This deliverable describes the harvesting system for the 3D-ICONS project, which allows content providers to provide their content to the system using a methodology which will allow for regular automated harvests. The specific technologies employed for the communication between the separate modules, the mapping of CARARE2 to EDM and the ingestion into Europeana are discussed in detail along with how the process was managed and monitored. The quality control, a highly important part of the ingestion process, is also explained.


3D-ICONS was a project funded under the European Commission's ICT Policy Support Programme, project no. 297194



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