Published March 26, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

Deliverable 5.4 "GIS for digitally twinned asset management"

  • 1. Infra Plan Consulting
  • 2. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
  • 3. Technical University Berlin


This report describes the developed tools GISI and RISA. A specific tool GISI is developed to integrate all of the data related to monitoring, condition assessment and maintenance of infrastructures into GIS for asset management on all levels, from short to long term decision making. RISA tool is developed to predict different maintenance scenarios based on the inspection and monitoring of assets. The tool allows end-users to interactively review and utilise specific outputs of the risk assessment and the consequence modelling in risk analysis. The tool presents the user with different maintenance that could be chosen based on KPIs.


D5.4 GIS for digitally twinned asset management_26032024.pdf

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Ashvin – Assistants for Healthy, Safe, and Productive Virtual Construction Design, Operation & Maintenance using a Digitial Twin 958161
European Commission