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Published July 17, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Challenges Encountered by Teachers Without SPED Training: A Basis for Teachers' Basic Training in Special Education




The general purpose of this study was to determine the extent of challenges encountered by teachers without SPED training in Sagay National High School, Division of Sagay City, Philippines. Thirty (30) regular teachers served as the respondents of this study through purposive sampling technique. A quantitative descriptive research design was utilized to determine the extent of challenges encountered by teachers. This study used a researcher-made survey questionnaire and was administered to the participants. Mean was used to determine the extent of challenges encountered by teachers without SPED training when grouped according to age, length of years in service, and sex. Independent Sample T-test was utilized to determine the significant difference in the extent of challenges encountered by teachers without SPED training when grouped according to sex and ANOVA when grouped according to age and length of years in service. Results of this study revealed that in terms of age, teachers aged 36 – 40 were more challenged than other age groups. In terms of length of years in service, teachers who were 4 – 10 years in service were found to be more challenged than those who were in 0 – 3 years and over 10 years in service. It was also found that male teachers were more challenged in handling students with special needs than female teachers. It was also revealed that there was no significant difference in the extent of challenges encountered by teachers in terms of age and length of years in service, but there was a significant difference in terms of sex. The study recommended that teachers need to undergo training in Special Education to address the extent of challenges they encountered in handling students with special needs.

Keywords:  teachers’ challenges, SPED training, Special Education, students with special needs


✅ IMJRISE V1(7) 157-167 - 19 IMJRISE_Molina,+Melody(1).pdf

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