Published June 28, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Supplementary Data: Human settlement pressure drives slow-moving landslide exposure

  • 1. ROR icon University of Potsdam


These datasets (.Rmd, .Rroj., .rds) are ready to use within the R software for statistical programming with the R Studio Graphical User Interface ( Please copy the folder structure into one single directory and follow the instructions given in the .Rmd file. Files and folders are described in the file



  • SlowMovingLandslide_Exposure.rmd
  • Ferrer2024_FloodExposureAnalysis.Rmd


  • 1_input:
    • sm_database_2023_01_17.csv
    • sm_database_references.pdf
    • gmba_v2
    • ipcc_regions
    • natrual_earth
  • 2_processed:
    • model_data_2023_01_17.csv
    • summary_database.csv


  • 1_model
    • 2023_12_31.model.rds
  • 2_figures:
    • main_figure_elements
  • 3_ext_figures


  • 1_main figures
  • 2_extended_figures


  • flood_comp_mod.csv
  • flood_comp_model.rds


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