Published April 16, 2018 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Topologies collected from 3 Community Networks

  • 1. University of Trento


This data-set contains graph topologies of several networks that were analysed in two scientific works and used in several more. 

The data in the 'topologies' folder contains two sets of data: The '2014' folder contains about 5000 snapshots of three community networks, namely Freifunk Wien, Freifunk Graz and ninux Rome. 
This data-set was collected between 2014 and 2015 and is at the base of the work "A week in the life of three large Wireless Community Networks" (link to the paper below), it describes three large-scale wireless mesh networks running in three cities. 
The data-set is fully described in the paper, here I report the information needed to use it.
 - For FFWien and ninux, each snapshot is taken once every 5 minutes, for Graz, one every 10.
 - one snapshot corresponds to the real state of the network in a specific moment, correlating the database of active nodes with the topology exported by the routing protocol. Some elaboration has been made to merge into one logical nodes some nodes that were running multiple instances of the routing protocol in the same physical location (see the paper for details)
 - the format is the well known graphml XML format, you can open the files with networkx, gephi and many more tools
 - the link weight represents the ETX metric (high = bad, see the paper)

The network-evolution folder contains the network graphs collected for the two networks of Wien and Graz only, but in a different period of time, and with a much larger time-span between the snapshots. This data-set was used for the paper "On the Technical and Social Structure of Community Networks", and again, represents the physical structure of the network, annotated with link quality from the routing protocol. Format is graphml, metric is ETX.

Finally, the mailing_list folder contains the ninux-ml.xml that contains the interactions in the mailing list of the ninux network, as described in the same paper. 

The second part of the data-set was collected and elaborated during the netCommons (see research project, while the first was collected before, but contributed to the results of the project too.

If you use the data, pleas cite the relevant papers below.

If you need more information, feel free to contact me:

Leonardo Maccari, Assistant Professor @DISI, University of Trento
Tel: +39 0461 285323,, gpg ID: AABE2BD7

Related Papers:

"A week in the life of three large Wireless Community Networks"

"On the Technical and Social Structure of Community Networks"


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netCommons – network infrastructure as commons 688768
European Commission