Published June 13, 2024 | Version 1
Journal Open

Comparison of Efficiency of Two Different Mouth Washes of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Source with Chlorhexidine Mouth Wash-A Randomized Control Trial

  • 1. Department of Periodontics, GSL Dental College & Hospital, Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh)


Background- Plaque control and removal of bacterial biofilm are essential components in preventing 
and treating gingival disease. Mouthwashes improve oral health care by inhibiting bacterial adhesion, 
colonization, and metabolic activity. The study was aimed to assess and compare the plaque formation, 
gingival inflammation, and gingival bleeding.
Materials  &  Methods-  The  study  was  designed  as  a  randomized  clinical  study  where  clinical 
parameters such as gingival index, plaque index, and modified sulcular bleeding index were recorded 
immediately and 15 days after oral prophylaxis. The subjects in this study included 80 gingivitis patients 
who  are  divided  into  four  groups  of  20  patients  in  each  group.  Group A  was  given  chlorhexidine 
mouthwash, group B was given Hiora, group C was given Perio Aid and group D was given distilled 
Results- In each of the study groups, there was a significant reduction in gingival, plaque, and modified 
sulcular  bleeding  index  scores  from  baseline  to  15  days.  The  chlorhexidine  group  demonstrated 
significantly lesser mean gingival, plaque, and modified sulcular bleeding index scores compared to all 
other three groups.
Conclusion- Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that all three types of mouthwashes are 
effective  in  reducing  dental  plaque  and  gingivitis  adjunctive  to  scaling.  Herbal  mouthwashes  are 
comparable to chlorhexidine in terms of plaque reduction and reduction of gingival inflammation.


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