Published May 9, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

MFMET Deliverable 4 - Report on test protocols for liquid properties in microfluidic devices for use in pharmaceuticals, biomedical and mechanobiology applications

  • 1. ROR icon Instituto Português Da Qualidade
  • 2. ROR icon RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
  • 3. ROR icon Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques
  • 4. TUBITAK
  • 5. ROR icon Český Metrologický Institut
  • 6. ROR icon Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung


This report describes the test protocols for liquid properties measurements in microfluidic devices for use in pharmaceuticals, biomedical and mechanobiology applications and the results obtained for specific examples like density, viscosity and refractive index.

Activity number

Activity description

Partners (Lead in bold)



Using input from A2.1.3 and A2.3.1-A2.3.4, RISE with support from IPQ, CETIAT, HSG‑IMIT, TUBITAK and CMI will write a technical report on test protocols for liquid properties in microfluidic devices. The report will include example of application.

Once agreed by the consortium, the coordinator on behalf of RISE, IPQ, CETIAT, CMI, TUBITAK and HSG-IMIT will submit the report to EURAMET as D4: ‘Report on test protocols for liquid properties in microfluidic devices for use in pharmaceuticals, biomedical and mechanobiology applications’.



MFMET Deliverable 4 - Report on test protocols for liquid properties in microfluidic devices for use in pharmaceuticals, biomedical and mechanobio.pdf