Published April 30, 2021 | Version v1
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Sustainability Science Papers: Image accompanying social media post

  • 1. University of Zurich


Image accompanying a social media post on the micro-blogging platform called Twitter at the time.

Image description/ Alt text:

An image of twelve abstracted scientific papers with with only titles readable. The Title of the whole image is "Sustainability Science Papers". The twelve titles are:
- A new framework to organize frameworks about human-nature relations
- Eating meat is bad
- It's capitalism's fault
- The economists did not let me publish my degrowth stuff
- Turns out businesses are not as green as they claim to be
- Here are many different scenarios for the future. Now go cry.
- We went to this island and did some workhshops with fishermen and the government. They just don't get it.
- This anthropocene concept is mindblowing
- Academia sucks, that's why we wrote a paper about it
- A social-ecological-art-dentistry reflection on interdisciplinary challenges
- You say activist, I say transdisciplinarity
- I have a PhD in sustainability science. I still do not know what it is.

The social media post text accompanying the image at the time was:

"I had to make one for #sustainability science, because a) the others made me laugh a lot and b) gave me a nice unfiltered insight into some fields 😂. #TypesOfScientificPapers #AcademicTwitter 
(btw, thx @g_levrier)"



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