Published March 18, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Driving Economic Growth: How Bangladesh Can Leverage the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement


The WTO's Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) is an important agreement that aims to simplify and simplify trade procedures, lower trade costs and increase transparency and predictability in global trade. For Bangladesh, a highly export-dependent developing country, TFA offers significant potential benefits. The TFA covers a wide range of trade facilitation issues, including disclosure and availability of information, preliminary rulings, and cooperation between border agencies, the release and clearance of goods, and assistance and capacity building. By implementing the provisions of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, Bangladesh can improve its trade competitiveness, reduce the time and costs associated with exporting and importing goods, and increase the transparency and predictability of its trade procedures. The TFA is a significant step forward in facilitating global trade and is expected to have a positive impact on international trade flows and economic growth, especially in developing countries such as Bangladesh. This article provides a detailed overview of TFA and its potential benefits for Bangladesh and to what extent Bangladesh is successful to avail such benefits. It also explores the challenges and opportunities of TFA implementation in Bangladesh and ways in which Bangladesh can work with other WTO members to maximize its potential benefits, with recommendations. Overall, this paper demonstrates the importance of trade facilitation in promoting economic growth and development in Bangladesh and highlights the central role of TFA in achieving these goals.



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