Published February 23, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Hoverflies of the Timon-David collection (Diptera, Syrphidae)

  • 1. ROR icon Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology
  • 2. ROR icon Aix-Marseille University
  • 3. ROR icon University of Avignon
  • 4. ROR icon French National Centre for Scientific Research
  • 5. ROR icon Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
  • 6. Independent Researcher
  • 7. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille


Version 02, 23 Feb. 2024

42 specimens previously described under Syrphidae were identified at least to genus level. 

Update to current taxonomy was done on genera Merodon, Hybobathus, Ocyptamus and Dioprosota, following recent revisions by Mengual at al. (2018) and Likov et al. (2019).

A few other minor corrections to the data set were also carried out.

The main paper is now published : 

Nève G., Lair X., Lebard Th., Meunier J.-Y., Teste L.-J., Séguinel L. 2024. Hoverflies of the Timon-David collection (Diptera, Syrphidae). Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e117265

Version 01

Data on 1071 specimens of hoverflies collected or received by Jean Timon-David (1902-1968) and hosted at the Marseille Natural History Museum, France.

The data set follows the GBIF format ( In the CSV dataset format used here, fields are separated by tabs, all encoding is UTF-8, which allowed for all diacritic signs to be retained. Apostrophes (') were used wherever appropriate in locality names. Uncertain readings from the labels are indicated by a question mark in the verbatimEventDate or verbatimLocality fields. If the locality name was uncertain, no coordinates were given.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 Licence. All work derived from the present study should cite it appropriately, including the Museum where the material is held.

For details see

Nève G., Lair X., Lebard Th., Meunier J.-Y., Teste L.-J., Séguinel L. 2024. Hoverflies of the Timon-David collection (Diptera, Syrphidae). Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e117265

Fields used in the data set (Column label: Column description):

occurrenceID: Individual identification code, same as CatalogNumber

catalogNumber: MHNM individual identification: combination of Museum name, collection identification, box number and specimen number within each box

basisOfRecord:The specific nature of the data record (i.e. PreservedSpecimen)

eventDate: Event date in the format YYYY-MM-DD if the capture date is known to the date, or YYYY-MM if only the month and yaear are known, or YYY if only the year is known

year: Year of capture if known

month: Month of capture if known

day: Day of capture if known

verbatimEventDate: Date of capture, as mentioned on the label

scientificName: Lowest taxonomic rank possible, usually the species name. If unknown the genus or family names are given.

identificationQualifier: In case the identification could be given only to a species group 'cf.' is input.

typeStatus: One specimen is a paratype, which is indicated here as such

identificationRemarks: Any comment on the identification of the specimen

kingdom: Kingdom (i.e. Animalia)

phylum: Phylum (i.e. Arthropoda)

class: Class (i.e. Insecta)

order: Order (i.e. Diptera)

family: Family name (i.e. Syrphidae)

genus: Genus name

specificEpithet: Species epithet of the scientificName

sex: Male (M) or female (F)

taxonRank: Taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName

identifiedBy: Name of the entomologist who identified the specimen. The name is written within square brackets if it does not appear on the label, but can be inferred from other specimens with similar handwriting, locality and date.

dateIdentified: Year of identification

identificationVerificationStatus: Whether (coded 1) or not (coded 0) the identification was recently checked

previousIdentifications: Species name originally given on the specimen labels

minimumElevationInMeters: Lower limit of the range of altitudes indicated on the label or in the associated reference

maximumElevationInMeters: Higher limit of the range of altitude indicated on the label or in the associated reference

decimalLatitude: Geographic latitude (in decimal degrees) of the capture location

decimalLongitude: Geographic longitude (in decimal degrees) of the capture location

geodeticDatum: Coordinate system and set of reference points upon which the geographic coordinates are based (i.e. WGS 84)

coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: Uncertainty in coordinates, in meters

continent: Continent of capture

country: Country of capture

countryCode: Two letter country code of the specimen origin

stateProvince: French departmental administrative division. In the case of non-French data, any relevant country administrative subdivision

locality: Location of capture, usually the locality

verbatimLocality: Any geographical indication on the label

InstitutionCode: Museum where the specimen is held (i.e. MHNM)

occurrenceRemarks: Any ecological data or comment on the label

LocationRemarks: Any comment regarding the location

recordedBy: Name of collector (i.e. legit information)

associatedRereferences: Any reference citing the specimen

organismQuantity: Number of individuals bearing the same label (usually 1)

organismQuantityType: individuals

georeferencedBy: Identity of the person who added the Latitude and longitude data, i.e. Nève, Gabriel

georeferenceProtocol: How the georeference was computed, i.e. from label data (verbatimLocality)

georeferenceSources: Georeference code was inferred from, French ING maps or googleEarthPro

georeferencedDate: Georeference work was performed in 2023

language: The data set is mainly written in French, apart from column headings, which are in English

collectionCode: Identifier of collection (i.e. MNHN.15441)

otherCatalogueNumbers: Any other catalog number the specimen may have


This scientific work is part of the natural heritage inventory ( It received support from PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN) and from GDR Pollinéco (Dir. Bertrand Schatz, CEFE, CNRS, Monpellier).



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Is described by
Data paper: 10.3897/BDJ.12.e117265 (DOI)


Office Français de la Biodiversité


  • Léonide, J.-C., 1970. Jean Timon-David (1902-1968). Annales de la faculté des Sciences de Marseille, 2è série, 43, 5–19.
  • Likov, L., Vujić, A., Kočiš Tubić, N., Đan, M., Veličković, N., Rojo, S., Pérez-Bañón, C., Veselić, S., Barkalov, A., Hayat, R., Radenković, S., 2019. Systematic position and composition of Merodon nigritarsis and M. avidus groups (Diptera, Syrphidae) with a description of four new hoverflies species. Contribution to Zoology 89, 74–125.
  • Mengual, X., Miranda, G.F.G., Thompson, F.C., 2018. Unraveling Ocyptamus and the Baccha legacy (Diptera: Syrphidae): redefinition of groups and new species descriptions. Zootaxa 4461, 1–44.