Published February 7, 2024 | Version 1.0.1
Dataset Open

3D Data Derivatives of Grotta di Fumane: GigaMesh-processed, Annotations and Segmentations

  • 1. Institute of Computer Science, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



This repository contains derivatives of the Open Access publication by Falcucci & Peresani [FP22]. Our derived dataset (n = 62) is used to demonstrate our segmentation algorithm [BHM23], as shown in [BLM22], [BLM23], [LBM23], and will serve as a benchmark dataset for future analyses. To date, and to the best of our knowledge, our dataset is the first dataset of annotated lithic artifacts. In addition to the annotated dataset, we will also provide the segmented [BLM23] and GigaMesh preprocessed datasets [Mar+10; MK13] (n = 732) in separate folders. 

Repository description: 

A detailed description of the data can be found in 3D_Data_Derivatives_of_GdF_overview.pdf.

For information on the archaeological interpretation of the artifacts, please refer to the original data publication by Falcucci and Peresani (2022). In our publications, we have expanded the CSV file from Falcucci and Peresani (2022) to document the use of the extended dataset:

  • Annotated: All artifacts that are annotated are marked with a 1.

  • GT_PLY: All artifacts that are annotated and included in this publication are referenced by their respective file, such as 31_gt_labels.ply.

  • Bullenkamp_et_al_2022: Artifacts utilized in [BLM22] are marked with a 1 .

  • Bullenkamp_et_al_2023: Artifacts utilized in [BLM23] are marked with a 1.

  • Linsel_et_al_2023: Artifacts utilized in [LBM23] are marked with a 1.



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Is compiled by
Software: 10.2312/VAST/VAST10/131-138 (DOI)
Software: 10.5281/zenodo.8297368 (DOI)
Is derived from
Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.6362150 (DOI)


  • [BHM23] Jan Philipp Bullenkamp, Theresa Häberle, and Hubert Mara. MorseMesh. Version v0.1. Aug. 2023. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8297368.
  • [BLM22] Jan Philipp Bullenkamp, Florian Linsel, and Hubert Mara. "Lithic Feature Identification in 3D based on Discrete Morse Theory". In: Eurographics Work- shop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. Ed. by Ruggero Ponchio FedericoPin- tus. The Eurographics Association, 2022, 55–584 pages. isbn: 978-3-03868- 178-6. doi: 10.2312/gch.20221224.
  • [BLM23] Jan Philipp Bullenkamp, Florian Linsel, and Hubert Mara. "Discrete Morse Theory Segmentation on High-Resolution 3D Lithic Artifact". 2023.
  • [FP22] Armando Falcucci and Marco Peresani. The Open Aurignacian Project. Vol- ume 1: Fumane Cave in northeastern Italy. Version 1.0.0. Zenodo, 2022. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6362150.
  • [LBM23] Florian Linsel, Jan Philipp Bullenkamp, and Hubert Mara. "Linking Scars: Topology-based Scar Detection and Graph Modeling of Paleolithic Artifacts in 3D". Submitted to PCIArchaeology (2023). doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8296270.
  • [Mar+10] Hubert Mara, Susanne Krömker, Stefan Jakob, and Bernd Breuckmann. "GigaMesh and Gilgamesh 3D Multiscale Integral Invariant Cuneiform Character Extrac- tion". In: VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage. Ed. by Alessandro Artusi, Morwena Joly, Genevieve Lucet, Denis Pitzalis, and Alejandro Ribes. The Eurographics As- sociation, 2010. isbn: 978-3-905674-29-3. doi: 10.2312/VAST/VAST10/131- 138.
  • [MK13] Hubert Mara and Susanne Krömker. "Vectorization of 3D-Characters by In- tegral Invariant Filtering of High-Resolution Triangular Meshes". In: 2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. 2013, pp. 62–66. doi: 10.1109/ICDAR.2013.21.