Published December 24, 2023 | Version v1
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Two New Graves and Some Fragmentary Inscriptions from Termessus


  • 1. ROR icon Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi


This article presents two new burial inscriptions from the necropolis areas E3, E4 and two new fragmentary inscriptions at Termessus. They were discovered during the 2018 and 2019 surveys conducted by the author in the city of Termessus. Both inscriptions belong to the Roman Imperial Period. The first inscription was found in area of E3. It is a fragmentary inscription which gives the name Artemeis as a grave owner. The names of the other owners have not been reached. The second inscription talks about the persons Aurelia Eukarpia, Aurelius Hermodorus and Agoraste as a graveowners. Both burial inscriptions mention that the fine should be paid to Zeus Solymeus, the chief god of the city. This is quite common in Termessus. The third one is a fragmentary inscription and most likely belongs to a sculptural honorary monument. The stone that bears inscription, looks like a flat pedestal and most likely it honors a man whose name ends with letters -doros. Probably for Theodoros. The fourth is another fragmentary inscription found in the area of the bouleterion. On the block were probably carved the names of a female and a male in the genitive case and least the Greek word thygater.



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