Published November 15, 2023 | Version v4
Technical note Open

Documentation and user guide for the health information portal. Metadata description.

  • 1. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland
  • 2. Sciensano, Belgium
  • 3. OKFO, Hungary
  • 4. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
  • 5. Sciesano, Belgium
  • 6. National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia


The Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI) project ( aims to:

  • Provide a Health Information portal for COVID-19 with FAIR catalogues on health and health care data for structured information exchange across European countries. It facilitates access to and use of COVID-19 relevant population health data provided by EU countries’ public health bodies represented in the PHIRI consortium. It provides the services and tools necessary for researchers to link different data sources and to use European data in a GDPR compliant, federated way.
  • Provide structured exchange between countries on COVID-19 best practices and expertise. PHIRI allows researchers to provide relevant and evidence-based information ready for use in research, and decision-making processes by citizens, clinicians, public health practitioners and policy makers.
  • Promote interoperability and tackle health information inequalities. PHIRI supports researchers and public health bodies to research queries related to COVID-19 in FAIR and ELSI compliant manners. It provides capacity building for the management of COVID-19 relevant population health and healthcare data.

The Health Information Portal (HIP) is a web-based platform ( hosting information about National Nodes, Research Networks, health information sources, i.e. data sources, health information studies and projects, health information publications and capacity building activities. For each of the modules, a standardized information structure has been developed. Different modules are interlinked with each other through specific elements such as country or institution.

HIP aims to serve as a one-stop-shop for health information in Europe. It will support researchers and decision-makers to find and access available information, relevant actors, and networks.

This document will provide an overview to the data model of the Health Information Portal (HIP, and metadata elements of specific modules of the HIP.



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PHIRI – Population Health Information Research Infrastructure 101018317
European Commission