Published October 31, 2023 | Version v1
Data paper Open

From seed to plant to cob: analyses on maize data


The scope of this series of documents is primarily didactic. 

Data is collected from the following experiment: maize seeds are planted in different soils and at different depths. Day of germination is recorded, together with other variables. Seedlings, as well as seeds that have not sprouted yet, are then transferred in a field. Finally, for each maize plant, its height and the weight of the cob are recorded.

The reader can find information about 
- the design of the experiment
- the data itself and how it was prepared
- some preliminary graphical analysis
- the modelling of different types of responses (normal linear models, binomial models, GAMs, normal linear models with random effects).

The data is accompanied by R scripts to reproduce all analyses.

Disclaimer: This is a first version, accomplished with a limited time budget. Updated versions might be uploaded in the future.


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