Published October 30, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

SGX3: Novel Concepts to Enhance Knowledge and Extend the Community Around Science Gateways


SGX3 is an NSF-funded Center of Excellence for Science Gateways complementing the mission of the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) to serve the community of users, developers and providers of science gateways. The experiences and lessons learned via the over six years of SGCI has informed, which novel areas SGX3 offers, which areas are enhanced, which areas are continued in SGCI via community-funded opportunities and which areas are taken out. While SGCI has been successful in growing the community, there is still a lower uptake in different research domains such as social sciences. Computational sciences and engineering present the domains that are mostly covered by members. SGX3 focuses especially on growing the community for different sciences and research domains and growing a diverse workforce. This paper compares the SGX3 and SGCI offerings and goes into detail for the novel services of SGX3 and the expected impact. 



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