Published July 31, 2017 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Project Data: Industrial Innovation in Transition - coded interview data

  • 1. Aalto University
  • 2. University of Twente


Industrial innovation has changed fundamentally over the last ten years. Companies have widely adopted new tools such as open innovation, innovation networks and ecosystems, systemic innovations, public/private partnerships, crowd sourcing, social media, and demand based innovations. These new practices have improved the innovation
capabilities of companies and brought new challenges to the traditional innovation policy instruments. This project
examined widely companies’ current use of new innovation practices around Europe and the good practice experience of their use. It also evaluated existing innovation policy portfolios at national and European levels, and analyzed the differences between innovation processes and management practices in different industrial sectors. With 694 interviews of company representatives the project covered five key industrial sectors in 11 EU Member States.



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IIT – Industrial Innovation in Transition 649351
European Commission