Published October 26, 2022 | Version v4
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Forgotten "Primum non nocere" and increased mortality after Covid-19 vaccination


  • 1. Stationary Cosmology Initiative


 Background The main reason for the worldwide massive covid vaccination in 2021 was to reduce the high mortality caused by the Covid-19 virus in 2020. It is time that in 2022 a rigorous analysis is done of the effectiveness of this massive vaccination.

 Methods In statistics, we have an accurate methodology to measure the impact of massive vaccination on public health. The mathematical relation between vaccinated/alive groups will be repeated between vaccinated/dead groups with high statistical certainty. This occurs because we are dealing with big numbers. 

Results Calculations were done for five periods of four weeks: weeks 35-38 (2021), weeks 39-42 (2021), weeks 43-46 (2031), weeks 47-50 (2021), and weeks 51(2021)-2(2022).  Obtained results are confirming that the mortality of the vaccinated infected groups is higher on average by 14.5% than the mortality of non-vaccinated infected groups.

Conclusions Results are suggesting the extension of the statistic between the vaccinated/alive group and the vaccinated/dead group for different age groups.  These statistics will have higher statistical significance because of the elimination of the Simpson effect. Calculating the exact impact of Covid-19 vaccination on the mortality rate is the necessary step to satisfy the first principle of medicine: “Primum non nocere”.



Forgotten “Primum non nocere” and increased mortality after Covid-19 vaccination.pdf