Published December 31, 2021 | Version 1.00
Project deliverable Open

Knowledge Capitalization: Design of an After-Action Reporting Mechanism


This document defines the conceptual view, inputs, outputs and requirements of the AAR Application within the S&R Project. The AAR Application is aimed at knowledge capitalization and generating lessons learned after dealing with each incident to identify possible improvements and plan corrective actions for future management of similar incidents. Ultimately the AAR process and results can result in: a) recommended improvements of future interventions in similar incidents; b) recommended improvements of the S&R Platform; and/or c) support in the analysis of prior incidents and interventions for training purposes; d) training The AAR Application will usually build on other DSS type components in the project, especially the COncORDE EMS, to acquire information describing the incidents and the action taken in response to them. In addition, the AAR Application will provide users with the ability to add in quantitative and qualitative information about incidents, analyze the flow of actions, formulate recommendations for improvement, and plan corrective actions.


SnR_D6.5 - Knowledge Capitalization Design of an After-Action Reporting Mechanism_v1.00.pdf

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Search and Rescue – Search and Rescue: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations 882897
European Commission