Published December 15, 2021 | Version 1
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U potrazi za istinom i akademskim integritetom (title in English: "A Quest for Truth and Academic Integrity")

  • 1. University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering


Tekst na srpkom jeziku:

U oktobru 2020. godine sam podnela Zahtev Etičkoj komisiji Univerziteta u Beogradu - Elektrotehničkog fakulteta pod sumnjom da je udžbenik "Biomedicinska merenja i instrumentacija" iz 2010. godine (ISBN: 978-86-7466-371-4) čiji su autori Dejan B. Popović, Mirjana Popović i Milica Janković (auto)plagijat udžbenika "Biomedicinska instrumentacija i merenja" iz 1997. godine (ISBN: 86-7621-089-8) sa autorima Dejan Popović i Mirjana Popović.

Nažalost, akademik dr Dejan Popović, redovni profesor u penziji je 2021. godine preminuo, te je proces protiv njega obustavljen, ali se protiv dr Mirjane Popović, redovnog profesora u penziji i dr Milice Janković, vanrednog profesora nastavlja.

Na 868. sednici Nastavno-naučnog i izbornog veća Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu koja je održana 14. decembra 2021. godine, dr Željko Đurović, redovni profesor sa Katedre za signale i sisteme je zatražio javno pred svim članovima Veća od novog dekana da preduzme mere protiv mene i da me kazni, jer je nedopustivo da na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu protiv "uglednih ljudi" postoje prijave. U svom odgovoru prof. Đuroviću, da proces nije završen te da nijedna Komisija do sada nije odgovorila na pitanje "Da li je sporan udžbenik (auto)plagijat ili ne?" htela sam da pokažem primer stranice koja je rezultat analize iz Turnitin softvera za poređenje dva udžbenika. Sadašnji dekan mi nije dozvolio da taj prilog pokažem članovima Veća na samoj sednici, ali je javno odobrio da ga postavim na internet.

Crvenom bojom je označen prekopiran tekst u udžbeniku i dostupan je u dokumentu primer-stranice-1.png.

Text in English:

In October 2020 I submitted a Request to the Ethics Committee of the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering on suspicion that the textbook "Biomedical Measurements and Instrumentation" from 2010 (ISBN: 978-86-7466-371-4) authored by Dejan B. Popović, Mirjana Popović and Milica Janković is (self)plagiarism of the textbook "Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements" from 1997 (ISBN: 86-7621-089-8) authored by Dejan Popović and Mirjana Popović.

Unfortunately, Academician Dr. Dejan Popović, retired Full Professor, passed away in 2021, and the process against him is stopped, but the case against Dr. Mirjana Popović, retired Full Professor and Dr. Milica Janković, Associate Professor, continued.

At the Teaching-Scientific and Electoral Council No. 868 of the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering held on December 14, 2021, Dr. Željko Đurović, Full Professor from the Signals and Systems Department, publicly asked new Dean in front of all members of the Council to take measures against me and to punish me. According to Prof. Đurović, it is not acceptable that there are charges against "prominent members" of the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering. In my answer to Prof. Đurović, that the process is not over and that no one answered my question "Is the disputed textbook (self)plagiarism or not?" I wanted to show a sample page from Turnitin software analysis for comparing two textbooks. The current Dean did not allow me to show this image to the members of the Council at the session itself, but he publicly approved that I can post it on the Internet.

The copied text in the textbook is marked in red and is available in the document primer-stranice-1.png.



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