Published March 8, 2021 | Version V2.0
Project deliverable Open

D4.2 Inventory of historical and open EO data and techniques to be used


A report describing (i) the overall DIONE soil methodological framework with more emphasis to a novel methodological approach which combines satellite imagery data, soil spectral libraries and local spectral measurements based on a portable and handled Micro electronical Systems (MEMS). (ii) the current status in soil spectroscopy, (iii) the modelling procedures that can transform spectral signatures into soil properties and (iv) the Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) map resulted form the proposed methodology.


DIONE_D4.2_V2.0_Inventory of historical and open EO data and techniques to be used.pdf

Additional details


DIONE – DIONE: an integrated EO-based toolbox for modernising CAP area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact 870378
European Commission