Published November 26, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data from: Modeling multilocus selection in an individual-based, spatially-explicit landscape genetics framework

  • 1. University of Montana
  • 2. Colorado State University
  • 3. Virginia Commonwealth University
  • 4. University of Washington
  • 5. Northern Arizona University
  • 6. Rocky Mountain Research Station


We implemented multilocus selection in a spatially-explicit, individual-based framework that enables multivariate environmental gradients to drive selection in many loci as a new module for the landscape genetics programs, CDPOP and CDMetaPOP. Our module simulates multilocus selection using a linear additive model, providing a flexible platform to evaluate a wide range of genotype-environment associations. Importantly, the module allows simulation of selection in any number of loci under the influence of any number of environmental variables. We validated the module with individual-based selection simulations under Wright-Fisher assumptions (Figure 3 and data provided here). We then evaluated results for simulations under a simple landscape selection model (Figure 4 and data provided here). Next, we simulated individual-based multilocus selection across a complex selection landscape with three loci linked to three different environmental variables (Figure 5 and data provided here). Finally, we demonstrated how the program can be used to simulate multilocus selection under varying selection strengths across different levels of gene flow in a landscape genetics framework (Figure 6 and data provided here). This new module provides a valuable addition to the study of landscape genetics, allowing for explicit evaluation of the contributions and interactions between gene flow and selection-driven processes across complex, multivariate environmental and landscape conditions.


CDPOP individual files are included in folders (e.g., batchrun0mcrun0), and labeled grid0.csv,..., grid{final time}.csv. Within each grid{time}.csv file, includes many field identifies (X,Y, age, sex, and genotypes, etc.). For more information on the format of these files, please refer to the CDPOP usermanual found at 

Funding provided by: National Science Foundation
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: EF-1442486

Funding provided by: National Science Foundation
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: EF-1442597

Funding provided by: National Science Foundation
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: DEB-1340852


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Is cited by
10.1111/1755-0998.13121 (DOI)