There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 8, 2021 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

INEMA: High resolution inventory of atmospheric emissions from Anthrophogenic sectors in Chile

  • 1. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • 2. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile


Brief description

This study presents the first high-resolution national inventory of anthropogenic emission for Chile (INEMA from spanish Inventario Nacional de EMisiones Antropogénicas). INEMA emission dataset considers emissions for  Vehicular, point sources (industrial, energy, and other sectors), residential, forest fires, and agricultural waste burning sectors estimated for 2015–2020 and spatially distributed onto a 0.01°x0.01° high-resolution grid. For all sectors, the pollutants included are CO2, NOx, SO2, CO, VOCs, NH3, PM10, and PM2.5. Also, CH4, N2O, and black carbon (BC) are included for transport, forest fires, agricultural waste burning, and residential sources.

Emissions are classified on IPCC categories:

Sector IPCC codes
Energy production 1A1
Industrial Energy consumption 1A2
On road transport energy consumption 1A3b
Comercial energy consumption 1A4a
residential firewood consumption 1A4b
Agriculture energy consumption 1a4c
Industrial processes 2
Agriculture waste burning 3F
Forest fires 4A1b.iii

This work compiles new activity data and emissions factors and distributes them geographically based on census, Chile´s road network and CONAF information. To consult the main methodological considerations and results of the previous version of INEMA, review the article by Alamos et al.(2022).

This inventory should contribute to the design of policies that seek to mitigate climate change and improve air quality by providing policy makers, stakeholders and scientists with qualified scientific spatial explicit emission information.


Each .tar file contain netcdf (.nc) files for each pollutant of the sector and year of the .tar file. Netcdf  contains annual total emissions for the pollutant and year indicated per grid cell 

The emission grid consists of Chilean territory in WGS84 projection (lon-lat) with a spatial resolution of 0.01 * 0.01  degrees (lon x lat). The extension boundaries of the grid are: [(-76-56.3), (-66,-17)]

The unit in the .nc files is Gigagrames per year [Gg/year]

The dataset is described in 

Álamos, N., Hunneus, N., Opazo, M., Osses, M., Puja, S., Pantoja, N., Calvo, R., Denier Van Der Gon, H.A.C., Schueftan, A., Reyes, R., High-resolution inventory of atmospheric emissions from transport, industrial, energy, mining and residential activities in Chile. Earth System Science Data14(1), 361-379. 2022



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