Published June 21, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Beijing PM10 Dataset


This dataset is part of the Monash, UEA & UCR time series regression repository.

The goal of this dataset is to predict PM10 air quality in the city of Beijing. This dataset contains 17532 time series with 9 dimensions.  This includes hourly air pollutants measurments (SO2, NO2, CO and O3), temperature, pressure, dew point, rainfall and windspeed measurments from 12 nationally controlled air quality monitoring sites. The air-quality data are from the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center. The meteorological data in each air-quality site are matched with the nearest weather station from the China Meteorological Administration. The time period is from March 1st, 2013 to February 28th, 2017. 

Please refer to for more details

Relevant Papers 
Zhang, S., Guo, B., Dong, A., He, J., Xu, Z. and Chen, S.X. (2017) Cautionary Tales on Air-Quality Improvement in Beijing. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume 473, No. 2205, Pages 20170457 

Citation Request 
Zhang, S., Guo, B., Dong, A., He, J., Xu, Z. and Chen, S.X. (2017) Cautionary Tales on Air-Quality Improvement in Beijing. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume 473, No. 2205, Pages 20170457 


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