Published April 30, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 2.1 Report on incentive and disincentive structures for R&I stakeholders to engage in science communication

  • 1. Stichting VU


The contemporary science communication ecosystem is complex: science and society meet each other at
multiple interfaces, communication takes place in multiple directions and moreover, the different actors may
have widely differing ideologies and assumptions. In addition, digitalization is intensifying the – already
complex – dynamics in this ecosystem fundamentally. At the same time, digitalization also offers novel
possibilities for scientists and scientific institutions to communicate and engage with the public and other
stakeholders, and henceforth contribute to a better science-society relationship. Against this backdrop, this
study aims to examine what motivates scientists to engage with the public through the internet and online
media, and what holds them back herein.


D2.1 Report of (dis)incentive structures for R&I stakeholders to engage in science communication.pdf

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European Commission