Published November 3, 2017 | Version 1.1
Dataset Open

SIMPATICO First Evaluation Galicia Dataset v1.1

  • 1. HI Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos


==SIMPATICO logs for the user evaluation of Galicia in project iteration 1.==

The current package contains the Interaction LOG data captured in the Galicia evaluation of the results of H2020 project SIMPATICO that were undertaken between October 23rd 2017 and November 3rd 2017. This contains a total 374 user tests that were conducted, divided into 228 citizens for e-service BS607A, 130 citizens for e-service BS613B and 8 civil servants from Xunta de Galicia for each one of the e-services. 

The data is exported from the Elasticsearch instance that was used to log all of the interaction data. The data model for this can be found in project deliverable "D3.2 Basic Methods And Tools For User Interaction Automation". For more information about the setup for conducting the tests and the results achieved please consult project deliverable "D6.5 SIMPATICO Evaluation Report v1". All project deliverables, except where noted, are public and are available at Zenodo community reachable at

=Change Log

v1.0 - 2017-11-03 - Initial release

v1.1 - 2018-02-14 - Update to initial release, prior dataset was incomplete


Disclaimer: this data set was created by the consortium of project SIMPATICO (GA 692819, The data is provided here as-is with no liability due or claims by the authors for its completeness or validity. Recipients of this data can freely use it in any form following due contact with the project administration at

(c) SIMPATICO - 692819 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 692819.


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SIMPATICO – SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and cOmpanies 692819
European Commission