Published January 19, 2018 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Dataset supplementing Schütz, I. & Einhäuser, W. (2018) Visual awareness in binocular rivalry modulates induced pupil fluctuations.

  • 1. Physics of Cognition Group, Institute of Physics, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany


This dataset supplements the publication:

Schütz, I. & Einhäuser, W. (2018). Visual awareness in binocular rivalry modulates induced pupil fluctuations.

Raw data are available in two formats: the actual raw EDF data files as returned by the eyetracking device (*.edf) for reference, and as MATLAB files into which all relevant information has been extracted (*.mat) for analysis.

Variables in the pft_*.mat files include
- raw eye position in the variable scan (t,x,y,p), where t is the timestamp of the eyetracker, x/y the position on the screen and p the pupil diameter in arbitrary units
- fixation, saccade and blink events in variables fix, sac and blink
- raw button presses in cell arrays buttonDn and buttonUp (6 - left button, 7 - right button) including timestamps
- stimulus presentation cycle timestamps in the variable stimperiod
- timestamps for auditory attentional instruction in the variable attends

For analysis, data from all participants and sessions is imported into pftdata.mat, where it is stored in cell arrays of the format "samples{subject_no, condition}".

Data Files

    - rawdata/*.edf: raw EyeLink 2000 EDF data files
    - rawdata/*.mat: EyeLink data converted to MATLAB data file

    - pftdata.mat: preprocessed eye tracking and response data for analysis
    - face.png, house.png: stimulus images used for the experiment
    - resp_anova.csv: response data for ANOVA (generated by preprocessing.m)
    - fig4_anova.csv: complex plane data for R T-Test (generated by figure4_complex_plane.m)
    - analysis code files, see below

Analysis Functions

Run the following functions in the listed order to reproduce figures and data in results/.

- preprocessing.m:
    - convert EDF data files to ASCII using SR-Research edf2asc, import into MATLAB
    - remove EyeLink detected blinks and interpolate (cubic spline)
    - z-score pupil data within each experimental block
    - add button press / reported percept to sample data
    - save response data for RM-ANOVA in R

- figure1_methods.m:
    - recreates Figure 1 (stimulus figure from images)

- figure2_example_plot.m:
    - recreate Figure 2 (example data from one participant)

- figure3_averaged_response.m
    - recreates Figure 2 (averaged F1 FFT component by condition)

- figure4_complex_plane.m:
    - recreates Figure 4 (complex plane analysis of pupil response)

- stats_auc_decoding.m:
    - moment-by-moment decoding analysis using AUC
    - recreates stats_AUC.txt

- pft_statistics.R:
    - R statistics, recreates stats_responses.txt and stats_Zvalues.txt

Output Files

    - Paper Figures (not layouted): figure1.tif, figure2.png, figure3.png, figure4.png
    - stats_responses.txt: behavioral analyses results,
    - stats_Zvalues.txt: complex plane analysis results
    - stats_AUC.txt: moment-by-moment AUC decoding results



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Related works

Is supplement to
10.5334/joc.16 (DOI)


  • Schütz, I., Busch, J. E., Gorka, L., & Einhäuser, W. (2018). Visual Awareness in Binocular Rivalry Modulates Induced Pupil Fluctuations. Journal of Cognition, 1(1), 12