Published December 22, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A new species of Spinturnix (Acari: Spinturnicidae) from the Turkestani longeared bat Otonycteris leucophaea (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Kazakhstan

  • 1. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2. Tyumen State Medical University, Odesskaya str. 54, Tyumen, 625023 Russia. & National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina str. 36, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
  • 3. Tyumen State University, Volodarskogo str. 6, Tyumen, 625003 Russia.
  • 4. Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan &
  • 5. Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan &
  • 6. Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan &
  • 7. Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan &
  • 8. Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan &


Dundarova, Heliana, Orlova, Maria, Anisimov, Nikolay, Baskakova, Svetlana, Shakula, Georgiy, Shakula, Fedor, Shakula, Stepan, Amirekul, Kudaibergen (2022): A new species of Spinturnix (Acari: Spinturnicidae) from the Turkestani longeared bat Otonycteris leucophaea (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Kazakhstan. Zootaxa 5222 (5): 443-456, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5222.5.3



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