Published March 11, 2022
| Version v1
Journal article
Orostylis gen. nov., a new genus of Dalytyphloplanida with seven new species (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela)
GOBERT, STEFAN, ARMONIES, WERNER, DIEZ, YANDER L., JOUK, PHILIPPE, MONNENS, MARLIES, REVIS, NATHALIE, REYGEL, PATRICK, SMITH, JULIAN III, STEENKISTE, NIELS VAN, ARTOIS, TOM (2022): Orostylis gen. nov., a new genus of Dalytyphloplanida with seven new species (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela). Zootaxa 5115 (1): 29-46, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5115.1.2, URL:
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