Published June 20, 2016 | Version v1
Report Open

D6.2 Report on the transposition of the relevant EU instruments in the Member States

  • 1. Utrecht University


This report is an analysis of national reports on Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden and Spain on the access of EU citizens to social rights. The social rights studied here are subsistence benefits, housing benefits, education grants and housing benefits. Especially these rights are vulnerable in case of economically non-active EU nationals; on the other hand exclusion from these rights may lead to serious poverty. Hence a very important area.

This study makes the analysis that there are several ways to design a social rights system and that some seem to create fewer problems than others while still having more legal certainty for the EU citizen. In scenarios the possibilities for Member States, both the host States and the States of origin, and also that of the European Commission are sketched to reconcile EU citizenship with national systems and thus to create more legal certainty.



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