Published December 31, 2017
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Journal article
Additions to the hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the Bay of Fundy, northeastern North America, with a checklist of species reported from the region
Calder, Dale R. (2017): Additions to the hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the Bay of Fundy, northeastern North America, with a checklist of species reported from the region. Zootaxa 4256 (1): 1-86, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.556851
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- Agassiz, A. (1862) On the mode of development of the marginal tentacles of the free medusae of some hydroids. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 9, 88-101.
- Agassiz, A. (1865) North American Acalephae. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College, No. 2, 1-234.
- Agassiz, L. (1850) Contributions to the natural history of the Acalephae of North America. Part I. On the naked-eyed medusae of the shores of Massachusetts, in their perfect state of development. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Series, 4, 221-316. [Vol. 4, Part II, in which this article appeared, is dated 1850 on the Title page].
- Agassiz, L. (1860) Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. Vol. III. Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 301 pp.
- Agassiz, L. (1862) Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. Vol. IV. Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 380 pp.
- Alder, J. (1856a) A notice of some new genera and species of British hydroid zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 2, 18, 353-362.
- Alder, J. (1856b) Descriptions of three new British zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 2, 18, 439-441.
- Alder, J. (1857) A catalogue of the zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, 3, 93-162.
- Alder, J. (1859) Descriptions of three new species of sertularian zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 3, 353-356.
- Alder, J. (1862) Observations on British zoophytes. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, New Series, 15, 144.
- Allman, G.J. (1859a) Notes on the hydroid zoophytes. I. Laomedea flexuosa, Hincks. II. The extra-capsular medusiform sporosacs ("meconidia") of Laomedea, and the determination of the species in which they are found. III. Coryne eximia, nov. sp., and its medusa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 4, 137-144.
- Allman, G.J. (1859b) Notes on the hydroid zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 4, 367-370.
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- Allman, G.J. (1864) On the construction and limitation of genera among the Hydroida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 13, 345-380.
- Allman, G.J. (1872) A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. Conclusion of Part I, and Part II, containing descriptions of the genera and species of the Gymnoblastea. Ray Society, London, pp. 155-450.
- Allman, G.J. (1874) Report on the Hydroida collected during the expeditions of H.M.S. 'Porcupine.' Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 8, 469-481.
- Allman, G.J. (1877) Report on the Hydroida collected during the exploration of the Gulf Stream by L. F. de Pourtales, assistant, United States Coast Survey. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 5 (2), 1-66.
- Allman, G.J. (1888) Report on the Hydroida dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Part II-The Tubularinae, Corymorphinae, Campanularinae, Sertularinae, and Thalamophora. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-76, Zoology, 7 (23), 1-90.
- Allwein, J. (1967) North American hydromedusae from Beaufort, North Carolina. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, 130, 117-136.
- Antsulevich, A.E. (1980a) Novyi vid gidroidov roda Halecium (Leptolida, Haleciidae) iz yuzhno-kurilskogo raiona. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 59, 137-139.
- Antsulevich, A.E. (1980b) O dvukh dalnevostochnykh vidakh gidroidov (Leptolida, Thecaphora). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 59, 615-617.
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- Arai, M.N. & Brinckmann-Voss, A. (1980) Hydromedusae of British Columbia and Puget Sound. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 204, 1-192.
- Barry, B. (1974) Hydromedusae of the Canadian eastern Arctic. M.Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 146 pp.
- Bedot, M. (1925) Materiaux pour servir a l'histoire des hydroides. 7me periode (1901 a 1910). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 32 (Fascicule Supplementaire), 1-657.
- Bergh, R.S. (1887) Goplepolyper (Hydroider) fra Kara-Havet. In: Lutken, C.F. (Ed.), Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte. H. Hagerup, Kjobenhavn, pp. 329-338.
- Berrill, N.J. (1949) Growth and form in gymnoblastic hydroids. I. Polymorphic development in Bougainvillia and Aselomaris. Journal of Morphology, 84, 1-30.
- Berrill, N.J. (1952) Growth and form in gymnoblastic hydroids. II. Sexual and asexual reproduction in Rathkea. III. Hydranth and gonophore development in Pennaria and Acaulis. IV. Relative growth in Eudendrium. Journal of Morphology, 90, 1- 32.
- Berrill, N.J. (1953) Growth and form in gymnoblastic hydroids. VII. Growth and reproduction in Syncoryne and Coryne. Journal of Morphology, 92, 273-302.
- Bigelow, H.B. (1913) Medusae and Siphonophorae collected by the U.S. Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" in the northwestern Pacific, 1906. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 44, 1-119.
- Bigelow, H.B. (1914) Fauna of New England. 12. List of the Medusae Craspedotae, Siphonophorae, Scyphomedusae, Ctenophoridae. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, 7, 1-37.
- Billard, A. (1922) Note sur deux especes d'hydroides du littoral d'Ostende. Annales de la Societe Royale Zoologique et Malacologique de Belgique, 52, 135-139.
- Billard, A. (1926) Cambridge Expedition to the Suez Canal, 1924. IV. Rapport sur les hydroides. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 22, 85-103.
- Billard, A. (1929) Note sur un genre nouveau et quelques especes nouvelles d'Halecidae. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 54, 305-307.
- Billard, A. (1933) Les hydroides des golfes de Suez et d'Akaba. In: Mission Robert Ph. Dollfus en Egypte. Memoires presentes a L'Institut d'Egypte et publies sous les auspices de sa Majeste Fouad I er, Roi d'Egypte, 21, 1-30.
- Billard, A. (1934) Note sur quelques hydroides du Maroc. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 59, 227-231.
- Billard, A. (1937) Note sur une nouvelle espece de Halecium (Halecium galeatum). Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 62, 292-293.
- Bleakney, J.S. (1972) Ecological implications of annual variation in tidal extremes. Ecology, 53, 933-938.
- Bleakney, J.S. (1996) Sea slugs of Atlantic Canada and the Gulf of Maine. Nimbus Publishing and the Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, 216 pp.
- Boeck, C. (1860) Omhandlede en Tubularie fra Belsund paa Spitzbergen - Tubularia regalis. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs- Selskabet i Christiania, 1859, 114-117.
- Boero, F., Bouillon, J. & Danovaro, R. (1987) The life cycle of Tiaropsidium roseum (Tiaropsidae fam. nov., Leptomedusae, Cnidaria). Indo-Malayan Zoology, 4, 293-302.
- Boero, F., Bouillon, J. & Gravili, C. (2000) A survey of Zanclea, Halocoryne and Zanclella (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Anthomedusae, Zancleidae) with description of new species. Italian Journal of Zoology, 67, 93-124.
- Bonnevie, K. (1898) Zur Systematik der Hydroiden. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 63, 465-495.
- Bonnevie, K. (1899a) Neue norwegische Hydroiden. Bergens Museums Aarbog, 1898, 5, 1-16.
- Bonnevie, K. (1899b) Hydroida. Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition 1876-1878. Zoologi, 7 (26), 1-103.
- Bonnevie, K. (1901) Hydroiden. In: Appellof, A. (Ed.), Meeresfauna von Bergen. Heft I. Bergen, John Grieg, pp. 1-15.
- Borradaile, L.A. (1905) Hydroids. The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, 2, 836-845.
- Bosc, L.A.G. (1802) Histoire naturelle des vers, contenant leur description et leurs moeurs; avec figures dessinees d'apres nature. Tome 3. Guilleminet, Paris, 270 pp.
- Bouillon, J. & Barnett, T.J. (1999) The marine fauna of New Zealand: hydromedusae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Biodiversity Memoir, 113, 1-136.
- Bouillon, J., Gravili, C., Pages, F., Gili, J.-M. & Boero, F. (2006) An introduction to Hydrozoa. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 194, 1-591.
- Bourne G.C. (1890) Notes on the hydroids of Plymouth. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1, 391-398.
- Bousfield, E.L. & Leim, A.H. (1960) The fauna of Minas Basin and Minas Channel. National Museum of Canada Bulletin, 166, 30 pp. [This reference has been variously dated as 1958, 1959, and 1960. A note on page 30 states "The Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery Ottawa, 1960".]
- Brinckmann-Voss, A. (1970) Anthomedusae/Athecatae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) of the Mediterranean. Part I. Capitata. Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli, Monografia, 39, 1-96.
- Brinckmann-Voss, A. (1980) A new species of the genus Sarsia (Hydrozoa, Corynidae) from Vancouver Island and Puget Sound. Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Occasional Papers, 34, 1-4.
- Brinckmann-Voss, A. (1989) Sarsia cliffordi n.sp. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Anthomedusae) from British Columbia, with distribution records and evaluation of related species. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 67, 685-691.
- Brinckmann-Voss, A. (1996) Seasonality of hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks, off Vancouver Island, Canada. Scientia Marina, 60, 89-97.
- Brinckmann-Voss, A. (2000) The hydroid and medusa of Sarsia bella sp. nov. (Hydrozoa, Anthoathecatae, Corynidae), with a correction of the "life cycle" of Polyorchis penicillatus (Eschscholtz). Scientia Marina, 64, 189-195.
- Brinckmann-Voss, A. & Calder, D.R. (2013) Zyzzyzus rubusidaeus (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Tubulariidae), a new species of anthoathecate hydroid from the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Zootaxa, 3666 (3), 389-397.
- Brinkhurst, R.O., Linkletter, L.E., Lord, E.I., Connors, S.A. & Dadswell, M.J. (1976) A preliminary guide to the littoral and sublittoral marine invertebrates of Passamaquoddy Bay. Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 166 pp.
- Broch, H. (1903) Die von dem norwegischen Fischereidampfer "Michael Sars" in den Jahren 1900-1902 in dem Nordmeer gesammelten Hydroiden. Bergens Museums Aarbog, 1903 (9), 1-14.
- Broch, H. (1910) Die Hydroiden der Arktischen Meere. Fauna Arctica, 5, 127-248. [dating of this publication follows evidence provided by Cornelius (1995b)]
- Broch, H. (1916) Hydroida (Part I.). The Danish Ingolf Expedition, 5 (6), 1-66.
- Broch, H. (1918) Hydroida (Part II.). The Danish Ingolf Expedition, 5 (7), 1-205.
- Bromley, J.E.C. (1979) A preliminary checklist of marine fauna of Minas Basin and Minas Channel. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 29, 517-541.
- Bromley, J.E.C. & Bleakney, J.S. (1979) Taxonomic survey of benthic fauna in estuarine saltmarsh pools, Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 29, 411-446.
- Bromley, J.E.C. & Bleakney, J.S. (1985) Keys to the fauna and flora of Minas Basin. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, 366 pp.
- Browne, E.T. (1897) The hydroids of Valencia Harbour, Ireland. Irish Naturalist, 6, 241-246.
- Brunel, P., Bosse, L. & Lamarche, G. (1998) Catalogue des invertebres marins de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126, 1-405.
- Buss, L.W. & Yund, P.O. (1989) A sibling species group of Hydractinia in the north-eastern United States. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 69, 857-874.
- Buzeta, M.-I. & Singh, R. (2008) Identification of ecologically and biologicaly significant areas in the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine. Vol. 1. Areas identified for review, and assessment of the Quoddy Region. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2788, 1-80.
- Caddy, J.F. (1970) Records of associated fauna in scallop dredge hauls from the Bay of Fundy. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Technical Report, 225, 1-37.
- Calder, D.R. (1970) Thecate hydroids from the shelf waters of northern Canada. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 27, 1501-1547.
- Calder, D.R. (1971) Hydroids and hydromedusae of southern Chesapeake Bay. Virginia Institute of Marine Science Special Papers in Marine Science, 1, 1-125.
- Calder, D.R. (1972) Some athecate hydroids from the shelf waters of northern Canada. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 29, 217-228.
- Calder, D.R. (1975) Biotic Census of Cape Cod Bay: hydroids. Biological Bulletin, 149, 287-315.
- Calder, D.R. (1976) The zonation of hydroids along salinity gradients in South Carolina estuaries. In: Mackie, G.O. (Ed.), Coelenterate ecology and behavior. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 165-174.
- Calder, D.R. (1988) Shallow-water hydroids of Bermuda: the Athecatae. Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Contributions, 148, 1-107.
- Calder, D.R. (1990) Seasonal cycles of activity and inactivity in some hydroids from Virginia and South Carolina, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 68, 442-450.
- Calder, D.R. (1991) Shallow-water hydroids of Bermuda. The Thecatae, exclusive of Plumularioidea. Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Contributions, 154, 1-140.
- Calder, D.R. (1992) Zanclea costata Gegenbaur, 1856 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): proposed conservation of both generic and specific names. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 49, 184-186.
- Calder, D.R. (2004) Subtidal hydroids (Cnidaria) of Northumberland Strait, Atlantic Canada, with observations on their life cycles and distributions. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 117, 555-564. (although dated 2003 in the journal, this article did not appear until 2004)
- Calder, D.R. (2010) Some anthoathecate hydroids and limnopolyps (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the Hawaiian archipelago. Zootaxa, 2590, 1-91.
- Calder, D.R. (2012) On a collection of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Hydroidolina) from the west coast of Sweden, with a checklist of species from the region. Zootaxa, 3171, 1-77.
- Calder, D.R. (2013) Some shallow-water hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the central east coast of Florida, USA. Zootaxa, 3648 (1), 1-72.
- Calder, D.R., Carlton, J.T. & Choong, H.H.C. (2014) Clava multicornis (Forsskal, 1775): rediscovery of a North Atlantic hydroid (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Anthoathecata) on the Pacific coast of North America. BioInvasions Records, 3, 71-76.
- Calder, D.R. & Hester, B.S. (1978) Phylum Cnidaria. In: Zingmark, R.G. (Ed.), An annotated checklist of the biota of the coastal zone of South Carolina. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, pp. 87-93.
- Calder, D.R. & Mayal, E.M. (1998) Dry season distribution of hydroids in a small tropical estuary, Pernambuco, Brazil. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 323, 69-78.
- Calder, D.R. & Vervoort, W. (1998) Some hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 319, 1-65.
- Calder, D.R., Vervoort, W. & Hochberg, F.G. (2009) Lectotype designations of new species of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa), described by C.M. Fraser, from Allan Hancock Pacific and Caribbean Sea Expeditions. Zoologische Mededelingen, 83, 919-1058.
- Calkins, G.N. (1899) Some hydroids from Puget Sound. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 28, 333-367.
- Cartwright, P., Evans, N.M., Dunn, C.W., Marques, A.C., Miglietta, M.P., Schuchert, P. & Collins, A.G. (2008) Phylogenetics of Hydroidolina (Hydrozoa: Cnidaria). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88, 1663- 1672.
- Cavolini, F. (1785) Memorie per servire alla storia de' polipi marini. s.n., Napoli, 279 pp.
- Choong, H.H.C. (2015) Hydroids of the genus Sertularella (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Sertulariidae) from the Pacific coast of Canada in the collection of the Royal Ontario Museum, with descriptions of four new species. Zootaxa, 3925 (3), 387-408.
- Clark, H.J. (1865a) Discovery of the female of Rhizogeton fusiformis, Ag. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 9, 342.
- Clark, H.J. (1865b) Mind in nature; or the origin of life, and the mode of development of animals. D. Appleton & Company, New York, 322 pp.
- Clark, S.F. (1875) Descriptions of new and rare species of hydroids from the New England coast. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 3, 58-66.
- Clark, S.F. (1877) Report on the hydroids collected on the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, by W. H. Dall, U.S. Coast Survey, and party, from 1871 to 1874 inclusive. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1876, 28, 209-238. [dating of this article follows Cornelius (1982: 129), who correctly discovered that it was published during early January 1877 (apparently in two parts, on 0 2 and 0 9 January) as per a note on p. ii of the journal volume].
- Clarke, S.F. (1879) Report on the Hydroida collected during the exploration of the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico by Alexander Agassiz, 1877-78. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 5, 239-252.
- Clarke, S.F. (1882) New and interesting hydroids from Chesapeake Bay. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 3, 135-142.
- Clarke, S.F. (1894) Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," during 1891, Lieut. Commander Z.L. Tanner, U.S.N. commanding. The hydroids. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 25, 71-77.
- Cockerell, T.D.A. (1911) The nomenclature of the hydromedusae. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 24, 77- 86.
- Collins, A.G. (2000) Towards understanding the phylogenetic history of Hydrozoa: hypothesis testing with 18S gene sequence data. Scientia Marina, 64 (Suplemento 1), 5-22.
- Collins, A.G., Winkelmann, S., Hadrys, H. & Schierwater, B. (2005) Phylogeny of Capitata and Corynidae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in light of mitochondrial 16S rDNA data. Zoologica Scripta, 34, 91-99.
- Congdon, E.D. (1907) The hydroids of Bermuda. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 42, 463-485.
- Cooke, W.J. (1975) Shallow water hydroids from Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Micronesica, 11, 85-108.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1975) The hydroid species of Obelia (Coelenterata, Hydrozoa: Campanulariidae), with notes on the medusa stage. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 28, 249-293.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1982) Hydroids and medusae of the family Campanulariidae recorded from the eastern North Atlantic, with a world synopsis of genera. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 42, 37-148.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1988) Hydroid collecting from intertidal pools at Holme next the Sea, Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Field Society, 28, 72-78.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1990) European Obelia (Cnidaria, Hydroida): systematics and identification. Journal of Natural History, 24, 535-578.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1992) Medusa loss in leptolid Hydrozoa (Cnidaria), hydroid rafting, and abbreviated life-cycles among their remote-island faunae: an interim review. Scientia Marina, 56, 245-261.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1995a) North-west European thecate hydroids and their medusae. Part 1. Introduction, Laodiceidae to Haleciidae. Synopses of the British Fauna, New Series, 50, 347 pp.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. (1995b) North-west European thecate hydroids and their medusae. Part 2. Sertulariidae to Campanulariidae. Synopses of the British Fauna, New Series, 50, 386 pp.
- Cornelius, P.F.S. & Garfath, J. (1980) The coelenterate taxa of Joshua Alder. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 39, 273-291.
- Costello, J.H. & Mathieu, H.W. (1995) Seasonal abundance of medusae in Eel Pond, Massachusetts, USA during 1990-1991. Journal of Plankton Research, 17, 199-204.
- Coughtrey, M. (1876) Critical notes on the New-Zealand Hydroida, suborder Thecaphora. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 4, 17, 22-32.
- Cunningham, C.W., Buss, L.W. & Anderson, C. (1991) Molecular and geologic evidence of shared history between hermit crabs and the symbiotic genus Hydractinia. Evolution, 45, 1301-1316.
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- Daly, M., Brugler, M.R., Cartwright, P., Collins, A.G., Dawson, M.N., Fautin, D.G., France, S.C., McFadden, C.S., Opresko, D.M., Rodriguez, E., Romano, S.L. & Stake, J.L. (2007) The phylum Cnidaria: a review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus. Zootaxa, 1668, 127-182.
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- Dunbar, M.J. (1942) Marine macroplankton from the Canadian eastern Arctic. II. Medusae, Siphonophora, Ctenophora, Pteropoda, and Chaetognatha. Canadian Journal of Research, 20D, 71-77.
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- Edwards, C. (1972) The hydroids and the medusae Podocoryne areolata, P. borealis and P. carnea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 52, 97-144.
- Edwards, C. (1978) The hydroids and medusae Sarsia occulta sp.nov., Sarsia tubulosa and Sarsia loveni. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 58, 291-311.
- Edwards, C. (1983) The hydroids and medusae Sarsia piriforma sp.nov. and Sarsia striata sp.nov. from the west coast of Scotland, with observations on other species. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 63, 49-60.
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- Galea, H.R. (2010b) Additional shallow-water thecate hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Guadeloupe and Les Saintes, French Lesser Antilles. Zootaxa, 2570, 1-40.
- Galea, H.R. (2013) New additions to the shallow-water hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) of the French Lesser Antilles: Martinique. Zootaxa, 3686 (1), 1-50.
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- Hincks, T. (1861) A catalogue of the zoophytes of south Devon and South Cornwall. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 8, 251-262.
- Hincks, T. (1866) On new British Hydroida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 18, 296-299.
- Hincks, T. (1868) A history of the British hydroid zoophytes. John van Voorst, London, 338 pp.
- Hincks, T. (1874) On deep-water Hydroida from Iceland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 4, 13, 146-153.
- Hincks, T. (1877) Note on lists of Arctic Hydroida and Polyzoa published in the 'Annals' for February 1874 and January 1877. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 4, 20, 66-67.
- Hodgson, M.M. (1950) A revision of the Tasmanian Hydroida. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1949, 1-65.
- Jaderholm E. (1903) Aussereuropaische Hydroiden im schwedischen Reichsmuseum. Arkiv for Zoologi, 1, 259-312. [a note in Swedish at the bottom of page 312 states "Tryckt den 31 december 1903" (printed 31 December 1903). That has been taken here to be the date of publication]
- Jaderholm, E. (1904) Mitteilungen ueber einige von der Schwedischen Antarctic-Expedition 1901-1903 eingesammelte Hydroiden. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, notes et revue, Serie 4, 3, i-xiv.
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- Johnston, G. (1837) A catalogue of the zoophytes of Berwickshire. Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 1, 107- 108. [Dating of this reference follows Cornelius 1995b: 360].
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- Johnston, G. (1847) A history of the British zoophytes. 2nd Edition. John Van Voorst, London, 488 pp.
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