Published July 15, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Aspiciliella pakistanica a new lichen species (Megasporaceae, Pertusariales, Ascomycota) from Pakistan

  • 1.;
  • 2.;
  • 3. The Museum of Iranian Lichens, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Iran. &;
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Habib, Kamran, Firdous, Qudsia, Sohrabi, Mohammad, Khalid, Abdul Nasir (2021): Aspiciliella pakistanica a new lichen species (Megasporaceae, Pertusariales, Ascomycota) from Pakistan. Phytotaxa 511 (2): 175-182, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.511.2.5, URL:



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