Published December 30, 2019 | Version v1
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Skeletal Anatomy Of The Basicranium And Auditory Region In The Metacheiromyid Palaeanodont Metacheiromys (Mammalia, Pholidotamorpha) Based On High-Resolution Ct Scans


Gaudin, Timothy J., Wible, John R., Rose, Kenneth D., Emry, Robert J., Spaulding, Michelle (2019): Skeletal Anatomy Of The Basicranium And Auditory Region In The Metacheiromyid Palaeanodont Metacheiromys (Mammalia, Pholidotamorpha) Based On High-Resolution Ct Scans. Fossil Imprint 75 (3-4): 484-503, DOI: 10.2478/if-2019-0029, URL:



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