Published July 21, 2009
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Journal article
Developmental stages and growth of Pseudocaligus fugu Yamaguti, 1936 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) host-specific to Puffer
Ohtsuka, Susumu, Takami, Ikuo, Maran, B.A. Venmathi, Ogawa, Kazuo, Shimono, Takaki, Fujita, Yusuke, Asakawa, Manabu, Boxshall, Geoffrey A. (2009): Developmental stages and growth of Pseudocaligus fugu Yamaguti, 1936 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) host-specific to Puffer. Journal of Natural History 43 (29-30): 1779-1804, DOI: 10.1080/00222930902993757, URL:
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