Published February 29, 2012
| Version v1
Journal article
Review of the genus Zygothuria Perrier, 1898 and the Atlantic group of species of the genus Mesothuria Ludwig, 1894 (Synallactidae: Holothuroidea) with description of the new species Mesothuria milleri sp. nov.
Gebruk, Andrey V., Solis-Marin, Francisco A., Billett, David S.M., Rogacheva, Antonina V., Tyler, Paul A. (2012): Review of the genus Zygothuria Perrier, 1898 and the Atlantic group of species of the genus Mesothuria Ludwig, 1894 (Synallactidae: Holothuroidea) with description of the new species Mesothuria milleri sp. nov. Journal of Natural History 46: 265-348, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2011.638423, URL:
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