Published March 21, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Molecular phylogenetic data on reticulate evolution in the genus Barbilophozia Löske (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta) and evidence of non-concerted evolution of rDNA in Barbilophozia rubescens allopolyploid

  • 1. Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of Kola SC RAS, 184236 Kirovsk-6, Russia
  • 2. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,


Vilnet, Anna, Konstantinova, Nadezda, Troitsky, Alexey (2012): Molecular phylogenetic data on reticulate evolution in the genus Barbilophozia Löske (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta) and evidence of non-concerted evolution of rDNA in Barbilophozia rubescens allopolyploid. Phytotaxa 49 (1): 6-22, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.49.1.2, URL:



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