Published May 14, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Three new species of Hyalella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) from the Southern Brazilian Coastal Plain
- 1. Federal University of Santa Maria, Postgraduate Program in Animal Biodiversity, University Campus, Santa Maria, 97105-900, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
- 2. Federal University of Lavras, Department of Ecology and Conservation, Postgraduate Program in Applied Ecology, University Campus, Lavras, 37200-900, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
- 3. Federal University of Rio Grande, Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments, Institute of Biological Sciences, University Campus, Rio Grande, 96203-900, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. &;
- 4. Federal University of Rio Grande, Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments, Institute of Biological Sciences, University Campus, Rio Grande, 96203-900, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. &;
- 5. Federal University of Rio Grande, Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments, Institute of Biological Sciences, University Campus, Rio Grande, 96203-900, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. &;
- 6. Federal University of Santa Maria, Postgraduate Program in Animal Biodiversity, University Campus, Santa Maria, 97105-900, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. &;
Talhaferro, Jordan Tuparai, Bueno, Alessandra Angélica De Pádua, Pires, Mateus Marques, Stenert, Cristina, Maltchik, Leonardo, Kotzian, Carla Bender (2021): Three new species of Hyalella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) from the Southern Brazilian Coastal Plain. Zootaxa 4970 (2): 257-292, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4970.2.2
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